Thursday, December 4, 2008

New Books on Autism and Asperger's!

We just got in five new books on Autism and Asperger Syndrome. Check them out!

Basic Skills Checklists: Teacher-friendly Assessments for Students with Autism or Special Needs by Marlene Breitenbach is an easy-to-use, informal assessment tool that focuses on pre-academic, readiness, and academic skills expected from learners in the early elementary years. It contains simple, customizable charts making it easy to record a child's progress in various areas.

The Way I See It: A Personal Look Autism & Asperger's by Temple Grandin offers helpful do's and don'ts, practical strategies, and try-it-now tips regarding issues that parents, teachers, and individuals on the spectrum face everyday.

Dietary Interventions in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Why They Work When They Do, Whey They Don't When They Don't by Kenneth Aitken explores the main dietary approaches that have been advocated in ASDs. He lists the pros and cons for each one and recommends the Simple Restriction Diet.

How to Make School Make Sense: A Parent's Guide to Helping the Child with Asperger Syndrome by Clare Lawrence gives parents practical advice on how to make the most of the important partnership with educators and how to work with schools to ensure their children's needs are being met. Invaluable guide!

Counselling for Asperger Couples by Barrie Thompson is the first book to provide a complete model for counselling couples where one partner has Asperger Syndrome.

Are you an Indiana resident and interested in any of these books? Contact us!

Not an Indiana resident? Look up any of the titles on Worldcat to find if your local library has them!

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