Tuesday, March 6, 2012

TalkAbout for Teenagers

A week ago we looked at Talkabout for Children. Today we'll take a peek at Talkabout for Teenagers. This program is designed specifically for teenagers with all the tools you'll need to run social and relationship skills group sessions. The book:
  • Is divided into five, hierarchical modules – self awareness and self esteem; body language; conversational skills; friendship skills; assertiveness skills– each module includes a teaching plan with worksheets and photocopiable resources.
  • Includes a short assessment to highlight the module that is most appropriate to teach and the skills within that module that are relevant
  • Provides a short guide to running successful social skills groups, for example, the numbers for each group, group rules, developing group cohesion, how to set up a role play.
Want to check it out? Email us at cedir@indiana.edu.

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